Sunday, January 17, 2010


I am guilty of going through random long periods without blogging, but…… If when you tried to blog and this was going on while trying to do so, you may take a break too. My kids are fast, sneaky and determined to get into things when I am busy. Just take a look at their last adventure. Don’t be fooled by the little one, he was not a victim this time, but more of an accomplice.

Within seconds of me checking my computer, Kennedy scaled the kitchen counter like a tiny silent ninja. She got a hold of my powdered sugar and flung it across the room. This is for real people I don’t make this stuff up!!!! I heard Parker and Kennedy CRACKING up and knowing that this typically means trouble I went to check out the situation and this is what I found. All I could do was laugh and grab my camera. Two minutes of fun = Two hours of mommy cleaning.
P.S. My little sister Chase and I did something very similar when we were little, except we took butter and greased the kitchen floor while sliding from wall to wall in it. My mom would say PAYBACK!!!

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