Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Lisa and Crystal

Johanna and Erin

Kara and Angela

All of us

Lisa and Erin and no she is not smoking.....

Amy and Johanna

This would be Erin using her shirt as a napkin... classy

Me and Amy

Whitney Caroline Designs

Okay girls I am a follower of a lady who does the most AMAZING work with monogramming. She has a store and a blog http://whitneycarolinedesigns.blogspot.com/2009/08/gift-certificate-giveaway.html?showComment=1251823398316#c7384702161104290555 her name is Whitney Caroline and I’ve ordered from her before and was VERY pleased. In fact, I’ve ordered many of my Christmas gifts from her. She does everything from totes to stamps to computer wallpaper and all in this cute preppy style. She is having a giveaway for 3 gift certificates so make sure you go sign up for one. I REALLY love her stuff!!!!!!